
All That  You Need To Know About Poker Rules

The poker game has always been quite a popular game and these days since most people have got their smartphones in hand and hence now they prefer to play this game online. Online option is always more preferred rather than playing in any casinos due to many reasons.

Firstly, online games can be played from anywhere at any time whenever you are free. The software used is quite user-friendly and people feel very convenient to play. Also, here you need not travel anywhere like a club or a casino and waste your fuel and time to reach there.

If you are interested to play poker online India then PokerBaazi offers an excellent opportunity to play this game in the privacy of your own home whenever you have got free time to play. Let us try to know a few rules for playing this game online.

Poker game as such is very easy to play however, it is essential to know a few tricks of the trade for winning the game.

During the start of the poker game, two forced bets will be placed by the 2 players, which are known as small blind (SB) and also big blind (BB). Both the SB and also BB represent the stakes. Usually, the amount of BB is double the SB amount.

After these blinds stakes are placed then the deal can start.  All who are playing will get  2 cards, the first card will be dealt clockwise and start from the small blind, then followed by another dealing round with the last card will be going to the dealer’s hand.

  • First betting round

Once all the players who have got cards in hand and have matched the bet, then the first 3 community cards will be dealt. In any live game, the top card will be dealt face down to prevent cheating.

  • Second betting round

After all the bets are matched, the game moves on to the next stage. Three community cards will be dealt face up at the table. Then a new betting round will open, starting directly on the left of the dealer.

  • Third betting round

After every bet is matched, then the fourth community card is dealt. The same rules will also apply on the next turn as above. However, with one exception where the least bet on the next turn will be double the minimum bet.

  • Final betting round

When all the bets are matched, then the last community card will be dealt and made a full house on the 4-straight board.

Now the final betting round will start where all players who in this round will match the bets will finally go to the Showdown, and the last aggressor will be the first one who will show his cards.

Once you become confident in this poker game after practicing a few free games then you may go with poker cash game online so that you can try your luck to see whether you can make any cash on this game.

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