Online poker has become one of the most popular games for millions of people to now be playing due to a huge rise in new players signing up to join this ever-growing game. There are now more poker players than there are online casinos which is an interesting fact to know for casino fans. Many new gamblers heading to online casinos to play online poker with the game now being one of the most popular amongst the online casino world with it being in the top five most played on games across all the different websites. Poker has always been a very popular game for gamblers to play on either in casinos or at online casinos, with the game now being at a new record high with your number of new gamblers signing up to play poker and hitting new profits. The gambling industry saw a huge rise in online users during the pandemic and online poker had great benefits from this due to so many people turning to online poker tournaments to keep them occupied during the lockdowns. There are many different poker websites out there to play on, but the leading ones are still ahead of the pack with them seeing around 150 million casino users passing through their websites each year, with this number expected to keep on rising.
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Poker bonuses
You can now get some chances to win extra prizes at online poker games with some platforms offering you some great deals to keep you interested in playing online poker. The lockdown caused online casinos to change the way that they operate and online poker made quite a few changes and one example that worked out well was a feature that enabled friends or family members to invite each other to live games so that they could play against each other, sort of like a multiplayer feature but against each other. The feature become very popular amongst online poker players with there also being a chat room added which helped players to communicate with each other and to send messages to the live dealer as well. Online poker platforms have seen a positive result from adding these new gaming features for people to take advantage of during the pandemic which caused millions of us to take to online casinos, so it was good to see them trying to offer gamblers a smoother and easier gaming platform.